This invitational program is designed to establish a culture of lifetime involvement with and in support of Phi Sigma Kappa. We are looking for our entire Brotherhood to make an annual donation to ensure our goals can be met, and we thrive as we pursue our mission. Each donation enhances our ability to serve brothers—today and into the future.
Phi Sigma Kappa has more than $1,000,000 in annual educational expenses our Foundation could cover each year. It currently provides for about $275,000 of these costs. This is where Life Loyal comes in.
Beginning now, beginning today, Life Loyal means that you are dedicated to being a Phi Sig for life. You are dedicated to supporting our undergraduates and each other. You will provide financial support in this and every year to follow. Please make a gift today.
Our leadership has stepped up—the Grand Council Directors, the Phi Sigma Kappa Foundation Trustees, and Phi Sigma Kappa Properties Directors have together pledged Life Loyal gifts to the tune of $75,000. These gifts, like yours, will enrich our Fraternity, its undergraduates, and alumni.